Kyaaaaa !~~ lama banget sihhh tak update kat blog ni huhu. Its been yearsss hahaha... Hari ni terasa nak update pulak sikit hehe..
Memandangkan hari ni last day cuti midsem so rasa nak bermalas malasan mlm ni sambil update blog hiks ~
Hows life?
Wuuuu its been really hard days for me lately.. Too many conflicts, backstabber, and of course fake people. Huhuhu why me??? Why i have to go through this bullshit? Sobssss
I guess i am very strong enough so that Allah test me with all this thing.. I am strong and i believe myself in that. I have been forgive those people who hurt me but it just really hard to forget. So i'm gonna remember and recover.
Sooooooo i dont want to talk about those shit that hit mehhh !
i'm gonna be the happiest girl that live on earth..
Cause i have my beloved family, sltg, geng kecik, asfarina, mokkk and my soulmate, MSM ❤️
Eventhough all people in this world left me, hurt me, push me, knock me or whatsoever as long as i have them..... I'm gonna be happy ! 😊
Okayyy title kat atas tu sebenarnya nak ckp yg I AM IN LOVE WITH THAT SONG!!! hehehe~
One Call Away by Charlie Puth 😘
I'm only one call away~
I'll be there to save the day~
Superman got nothing on me~
I'm only one call away~
So goodbyeeeeee ... Love yourself before you love someone else 😌